Quick start
Step 1: Create an API key for use with Secure Fields
Before your application can communicate with the API you will need to create a new API key. The API handles authentication using a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) which is passed in a HTTP header.
We recommend you use an SDK. Our SDKs makes the process of generating a token a lot easier and is probably available in your preferred programming language. We will get to this in the next step.
Create a new API key
To use the API you will need to generate a new API key. Ask your Account Manager for an API key, which will come in a .pem file, in order to start with your integration.
Learn more about private keys, key-pairs, and JWT in our in-depth guide on authentication.
In this step you:
- Learned about API authentication.
- Created a new private key for the API.
- Stored this API key in a secure place where your application can access it.
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